
Ywallet FROST demo



Import UFVK into Ywallet

Accounts -> Click + and paste ufvk from step above

Create a transaction with Ywallet

Paste in any UA and send a tx. Save the file.

Start the FROST signing proceedure

./signFROST_tx.sh rawtxs/mytx signedtxs/mysignedtx

first input is the location of the raw tx from the step above second input is the location and name of the signed tx you want to broadcast This is part where you tell FROST which transction you want everyone to sign

Start Coordinator


This coordinates each participants signature and creates a group signature

Have each Participant sign for this transaction

./participantSign.sh key-package-1.json ./participantSign.sh key-package-2.json

Finalize signed Transaction

In the coordinator window, copy the group signature that is output and paste it into the FROST signing window. This will complete the FROST signing and output 'mysingedtx'

Broadcast your Transaction with Ywallet

Click 'More' on bottom right side of Ywallet and find 'Broadcast'. Find 'mysignedtx' and click ok.

If everything works you will get a transaction ID :)