
How to run Zcashd on Akash Network

1. Initial Setup

2. Setup Deployment

  • Click 'Deploy Now'

  • On the Left Menu select 'Deplyments'

  • Top right corner click Deploy - Select 'Ubuntu'

  • Use the builder to enter deployment specs

  • Set path for node to /mnt/data

Recommended Hardware: 4 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM, 300 GB Persistent* Storage - be sure to check the box. By default it displays ephemeral storage.

3. Install Dependencies & zcashd

apt-get update && apt-get install apt-transport-https wget gnupg2

wget -qO - https://apt.z.cash/zcash.asc | gpg --import

gpg --export B1C9095EAA1848DBB54D9DDA1D05FDC66B372CFE | apt-key add -

echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.z.cash/ buster main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zcash.list

apt-get update && apt-get install zcash

mkdir -p ~/.zcash

cd /mnt/data

mkdir ./zcash

vi ~/.zcash/zcash.conf



[ESC] + wq + Enter

4. Start Zcashd & Sync


  • Estimated time for full sync 3 Days

Then start experimenting!